Faculty Spotlight: Mrs. Deborah Otis

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I Teach: Technology Department

I've Taught for: 15 years - teacher, 7 years in current job -- 22 years in education

Hometown: Aiken, South Carolina

High school: Monroe Area Comprehensive High School in Monroe, GA

College/Degree: Bachelor of Science in Middle School Education and a Masters in Education - Instructional Technology, Doctoral work in Instructional Leadership

STJ Extracurricular: Girls Who Code (Middle School), Band Boosters Band Secretary

Favorite Book: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen



Favorite Movie: Princess Bride

Favorite Food: a really great taco or an inspiring hamburger, an awesome stew or soup, crusty warm bread

Married to: Perry Otis

Children: Heather and Trevor Otis

Fun Fact: I lived in Germany for three years. I write poetry. I have a well behaved dog and a very naughty cat