2021 STJ Cheer tryouts
by: Anna Colson, junior
With this year being a lot different, cheer has had to adapt to changes and has not been normal since last year. We’ve worn masks to games, limited our student sections, modified pep rallies, and overall had to adjust many events to plan and prepare for. On the other hand, things seem to be slowly turning and corner and getting back to normal. We had normal cheer tryouts! It was refreshing to get to be in the gym with girls from grades 6-11 to try out to be a leader for school spirit next year.
We had a great turn out of girls with fifteen trying out for middle school, seven for junior varsity, and twenty two for varsity. We had UCA staff come in as well as the seniors who are about to graduate to help prepare us for tryouts. We learned a fun dance, a cheer, and a chant to do the day of tryouts. Unfortunately, we had a weather day so we did not get as much time as we usually get, but the UCA staff and seniors did a really good job at preparing us for tryout day. Tryouts are the beginning of a new cheer season which is very exciting. It’s the beginning of preparing for camp that we missed last year, but get to go to this year. It is also the beginning of planning 2021 Friday night football games as well as brainstorming different ways for our students to be more involved in school spirit and how we as a cheer squad can help Saint James achieve the best school spirit in Montgomery. It is truly exciting to see a sneak peek of what next school year will be like for the Saint James community in terms of school spirit.
The 2021-22 STJ Cheerleader selection will be announced Friday, March 18.