Faculty Spotlight: Mr. Adam Osborn


I teach: 9th grade English & World History, Public Speaking

I've taught for: 10 years, this is my 11th! 6 years (college-level), in my 5th year here at the MS/HS level. This is my first year at STJ

Hometown: Lafayette, LA

High school: Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts

College/Degree: Tulane University -- BA in English (History minor); University of Chicago -- MA Program in the Humanities (Middle English Literature)

STJ extracurricular: Just dipping my toes into the world of Speech & Debate

Favorite Book: (This is extremely tough!) The Fifth Season, by N.K. Jemisin

Favorite Movie: (This is also extremely tough!) Pan's Labyrinth, dir. Guillermo del Toro

Favorite Food: Absurdly elaborate sushi

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Married to: Joanne Spotswood, fiber artist extraordinaire!

Children: No humans, just two nefarious mutts

Fun Fact: Though I look like a Kenny G fan, my favorite types of music are actually things like punk & heavy metal!