Faculty Spotlight: Rhea Grate

Sra. Grate wearing an authentic flamenco dress from Spain.

I teach: Spanish 1, Spanish 2, Spanish 2 Honors, Spanish 3 Honors, and Spanish 4 Honors

I've Taught for: 16 years. This is year 10 at Saint James School.

Hometown: Paramus, New Jersey

High school: Paramus High School

College/Degree: Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania/ Bachelor of Arts with a double major: Economics & Business/ Spanish

University of Massachusetts in Amherst, Massachusetts/ Masters in Business Administration

STJ Extracurricular: Spanish Club and Knitting Club

Favorite Book: This is a tough question. I enjoy Dan Brown for American fiction. Carlos Ruiz Zafón is great for foreign contemporary fiction. A classic: Don Quijote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Nonfiction: Healthy at 100 by John Robbins. The Joy of Cooking. I tend to read nonfiction, biographies and autobiographies most.

Favorite Movie: Any James Bond movie.

Favorite Food: Another hard question. I eat a great variety of food ....If forced to choose....seafood.

Sra. Grate, with other Alabama educators, as Governor Ivey signed a bill officially recognizing the Global Seal of Biliteracy.

Favorite thing about working at STJ: The students! I keep in touch with many former students and even get wedding invitations from some!

Fun Fact: I have visited 48 countries, backroads and major cities in five continents. I have lived in two other countries besides the U.S.