Staff Spotlight: Mr. Barry Prim

STJ CFO, Barry Prim.

My role: I am the new CFO

I have been at STJ for: 5 months

Hometown: Montgomery

High School: Jeff Davis

College/Education: Auburn - Economics, UAB  - MBA

Favorite Book: Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

Mr. Prim with his wife and daughters.

Favorite Movie: Mary Poppins

Favorite Food: Anything Italian

I am married to: Jeana is my wife and we have been married for 33 years! 

Children: Emily (29) and Dodge (19). Both are STJ grads

Favorite thing about STJ: I love this school and this faculty and staff. It's such a great, big family!

Fun Fact: I LOVE music. Especially Steely Dan or stuff from the 70's and 80's. Big jazz and R&B fan, too.