May the Best Robot Win!

Mr. Turner’s 6th grade robotics elective had a blast designing, programming, and building robots for a tug-of-war battle. Students worked in groups to build the fastest, toughest, and smartest robots. Using legos and ipads to program, each group made a unique fighting machine. Later, students programmed their bots to retrieve a piece of Halloween candy with a robotic arm. STEM activities like this are offered at all levels and a favorite elective choice in middle school


The purpose of the project was to learn how to make a claw or a lever and program it to retrieve something. Our design used a claw to open and close. A lot of people used a loop program, but we just used a single program and kept on restarting it.
— Luke Catching, 6th grade
We designed our program to move forward and the trap the candy to bring the candy back to base. Next, our program rises the lever and releases on a loop to drop the candy.
— JB Braswell, 6th grade