Famous Alabamians

Fourth graders created a poster highlighting a famous Alabamian as part of the Alabama history unit. Each student chose a subject who they admired and researched about his or her life and accomplishments. Student uploaded their work and a brief caption on the SeeSaw app, our digital portfolio. We loved learning about the diverse group of famous people from our state!

Royce Conner Alamaba History.jpeg
This is my Famous Alabamian project. I did my research and poster on Jesse Owens. I think he is awesome because he was really fast and cool.
— Royce Conner, grade 4
Joud Al-Ansari Alamaba History.jpeg
This is my famous Alabamian project. I did my research and poster on Heather Whitestone. I think she is awesome because she is the first deaf Ms. America.
— Joud Al-Ansar, grade 4


Mia Zukowski Alamaba History.jpeg
This is my famous Alabamian project. I did my research and poster on Mia Hamm. I think she is awesome because we have the same name... and she won 2 world cups and one gold medal!
— Mia Zukowski, grade 4
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This is my famous Alabamian project. I did my research and poster on Tallulah Bankhead! I think she is interesting because when I grow up I want to be a actress and a comedian.
— Kendall Dunson, grade 4