Survey of Sports Medicine
by: Mary Rodgers Prim, junior
Here at Saint James, we have many fun options for elective classes to take. One of the options is Survey of Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy and Related Professions. In this class, students get the chance to learn how athletic trainers and physical therapists do their job. I am in this class and am very interested in going into this field when I go to college, so this class is the perfect opportunity to get a head start on learning! The class is taught by Victoria Henderson, STJ’s very own athletic trainer. We learn all about the anatomy and physiology of the human body, and go in depth learning about rehabilitation from injuries. This week, we learned how to tape ankles, elbows, and wrists and what kind of tape to use for certain injuries. Later in the year we will learn how to cast broken limbs. This class is perfect for students looking to go into the medical field of physical therapy, or just want a fun elective to learn more about the human body.
Students have the opportunity to fulfill Red Cross CPR certification