Camp ASCCA- A 5th grade Tradition

The overnight trip to Camp ASCCA is one of the most highly anticipated events in fifth grade. This annual tradition is a rite of passage of sorts for our students before they enter the world of middle school. Camp ASCCA is an inclusive year-round camp located at beautiful Lake Martin, Alabama. Students enjoy hiking, fishing, archery, nature lessons, zip-lining, canoeing, and arts-and-crafts. For many students, this two night experience is their first sleep-away trip without their parents. As a reflection exercise, upon return, students illustrated and described their favorite aspect of camp. Some students chose thrills like the rock wall and zip line. Others appreciated the nature and wildlife, but some simply enjoyed the friendships formed and fun experienced outside the classroom. Students truly look forward to this field trip every year and cherish the fun memories and camaraderie built!

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