Monarch Way Station: The Circle of Life
High School biology club measuring the progress of the chrysalis and cucumber plant.
We are so proud of our school community garden! We were able to provide an environment to house two Monarch chrysalises this fall. Unfortunately, the butterflies never progressed to the point of metamorphosis, but simply having caterpillars in the garden is a huge step of our Monarch Way Station! Several factors can affect the success of a chrysalis: stress, predators, and climate. The recent cold snap in Montgomery likely contributed to the stunting of the chrysalis’s development. Humidity, wind, and temperature are all factors that make the growing environment safe or unsafe for caterpillars.
One of the two chrysalises after the recent cold snap in Montgomery.
Kindergarteners, sixth graders, and high school Biology Club students were some of the groups measuring and taking note of the daily progress. Students visited the garden to track the growth (or lack thereof) and made predictions based on the scientific method. The cucumber plant, that started out small, has been thriving and producing cucumbers that were harvested and enjoyed by some Kindergarten students. We will continue to outfit the garden with Monarch friendly plants to encourage more butterfly visitors during the next migration! #wearesaintjamesschool